Monday, April 22, 2013

And in the Fourth Week

I finally get around to creating another post! Truly I was going to write something up last week but then there was much disaster in Boston and that was distracting.

But! Here I am, still in Brasstown at the Folk School, I have done three weeks of work (mostly in the garden) and this week have my first week long class. So I am taking a natures studies course on Appalachian plant life. So today we walked about the Folk School and identified (mostly) flowers. Which is very neat, I got to see almost several varieties of Trilliums (Yay!) and learn about the differences and similarities. The other exciting flower discovery made today is all the patches of lady slipper coming up (pictures to come soon I hope) So yea, very neat.

The other really neat thing that I did today was start teaching Nutting Girl (a Morris Jig) to a couple of my friends here. So of course happiness about getting to share Morris dancing with people.

Also I know I am only here for another three weeks, but postcards are neat if anyone wants to use the good ole' postal system....

Isabella Diemand
One Folk School Rd
Brasstown NC 28902

I will be honest I am in contra withdrawal, at one hour long contra dance a week, it is just not enough, and sadly no car to get me around to dances :'( So I need lots of dances for the short period of time I am free in NH and MA

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